
Welcome to the GyataGPT Revolution: Where AI Meets 
Your Imagination

Gyata hero section

Tired of chatbots that sound like 
dial-up modems and understand less than a mime in a blizzard?

Hey there, trailblazers of the digital age! 🌟 Welcome to the playground of GyataGPT AI, your ultimate destination for unleashing the power of conversational magic and innovative solutions. Buckle up as we embark on a journey through the realms of creativity, intelligence, and seamless enterprise interactions.

GyataGPT, where AI isn’t just a buzzword, it’s your new superpowered sidekick.

GyataGPT builds AI applications so smart, they’ll have your customers asking if they’re talking to a real person.

GyataGPT builds AI applications so smart, they’ll have your customers asking if they’re talking to a real person.

Think of GyataGPT as your secret weapon for

Unleashing the Power of GyataGPT, the game-changer in the world of conversational AI.

Picture this: a self-hosted cloud-native solution designed to catapult your business into a new era of innovation. GyataGPT is not just an AI tool; it’s a digital symphony that harmonizes the art of conversation with the precision of cutting-edge technology.

But GyataGPT isn’t just about making AI feel human. It’s about giving you the power to build AI applications that are uniquely yours. 

Gyata chatbot icon

Transforming Interactions, One Conversation at a Time

In the vast universe of digital possibilities, GyataGPT stands tall as a versatile platform. Construct AI-driven applications that offer personalized conversational experiences, from intelligent chatbots to customer helpdesks, lead generation forms, and automation-driven commerce solutions. And guess what? Your data stays home—securely tucked within your AWS or Azure cloud.

The GyataGPT Essence

GyataGPT Essence

Conversational Brilliance

GyataGPT is not just another tool. it’s a conversational maestro. It orchestrates a symphony of Language Model Models (LLMs), empowering you to create AI-powered applications that redefine the way you interact with your audience.

Seamless Data Integration

Data, data everywhere, but GyataGPT makes sense of it all. Seamlessly integrate 30+ data sources, from Salesforce to Excel, unifying them into a single platform. Imagine the efficiency! Your enterprise data remains your fortress, securely hosted within your AWS or Azure cloud.

AI-Powered Awesomeness

Leverage the brilliance of OpenAI, Amazon Bedrock, or Azure OpenAI Service LLM to infuse your applications with unparalleled intelligence. It’s not just automation; it’s a technological leap 
that propels your enterprise into the future.

So, Are you ready to unleash the GyataGPT revolution in your business?

Then buckle up, buttercup, because we’re about to take your AI game to the next level.

Numbers that Get You Talking

80% Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

GyataGPT chatbots resolve issues faster with a dash of AI charm, turning frowns upside down.

60% Reduced Employee Onboarding Time

Streamline onboarding with automated tasks and personalized AI assistants, freeing up precious time for your team to tango with real work.

20% Resource Cost Savings

Automate repetitive tasks and free up your resources for higher-value projects, like building a rocket ship powered by AI conversations. 

How GyataGPT Works

Simple Deployment, Profound Impact

Choose between AWS or Azure for a hassle-free GyataGPT deployment. Get up and running in no time, with the power to transform your interactions from day one.

Data Aggregation 

Integrate 30+ diverse data sources seamlessly, from Salesforce to HRMS. GyataGPT becomes your unified platform, making data aggregation feel like a stroll in the digital park.

Chatbot Creation in 
a Snap

Click, create, conquer. With GyataGPT, building your AI-enabled chatbot is as easy as making your morning coffee. Engage with users, internal teams, or customers effortlessly.

AI Selection: The Power of Choice

Choose your AI engine—OpenAI, Amazon Bedrock, or Azure OpenAI Service. The power is in your hands to drive intelligent interactions and redefine user engagement.

Engage, Analyze, Evolve

Monitor user interactions through real-time analytics. GyataGPT doesn’t just stop at creation; it evolves with you, continuously adapting to your audience’s needs.

Complete Security

Rest easy. Your enterprise data is not going on vacation. It’s securely hosted within your AWS or Azure cloud, ensuring compliance and data integrity.

Ongoing Support & Updates

24/7 support and regular updates ensure that your GyataGPT AI suite is always at the peak of its performance. Because innovation never rests.

How GyataGPT Works

Simple Deployment, Profound Impact

Choose between AWS or Azure for a hassle-free GyataGPT deployment. Get up and running in no time, with the power to transform your interactions from day one.

Data Aggregation 

Integrate 30+ diverse data sources seamlessly, from Salesforce to HRMS. GyataGPT becomes your unified platform, making data aggregation feel like a stroll in the digital park.

Chatbot Creation in 
a Snap

Click, create, conquer. With GyataGPT, building your AI-enabled chatbot is as easy as making your morning coffee. Engage with users, internal teams, or customers effortlessly.

AI Selection: The Power of Choice

Choose your AI engine—OpenAI, Amazon Bedrock, or Azure OpenAI Service. The power is in your hands to drive intelligent interactions and redefine user engagement.

Engage, Analyze, Evolve

Monitor user interactions through real-time analytics. GyataGPT doesn’t just stop at creation; it evolves with you, continuously adapting to your audience’s needs.

Complete Security

Rest easy. Your enterprise data is not going on vacation. It’s securely hosted within your AWS or Azure cloud, ensuring compliance and data integrity.

Ongoing Support & Updates

24/7 support and regular updates ensure that your GyataGPT AI suite is always at the peak of its performance. Because innovation never rests.

Unmatched Security, Compliance, Scalability

GyataGPT is your guardian in the digital realm. Build your AI applications with peace of mind, knowing your data is protected and your system can scale according to your needs.

Unmatched Security

Let’s Talk Use Cases

Conversational AI for Ecommerce

Shopping just got a makeover. Suggest products, solve queries, and integrate your ERP and CRM seamlessly. Welcome to the future of digital commerce.

Conversational AI for Students

Education meets innovation. Integrate GyataGPT with your Learning Management System (LMS) 
for personalized student interactions. Learning 
just got a whole lot smarter.

Conversational AI for Different Departments (Employees)

Streamline internal communications. Integrate GyataGPT with your Human Resource Management (HRM) system for efficient employee interactions. Say goodbye to the days of lost memos.

The GyataGPT Experience

Transform your enterprise interactions with the power of GyataGPT. Data integration, chatbot creation, and user engagement have never been simpler.

GyataGPT Experience

Industry Solutions

Why GyataGPT? Because Ordinary Is Boring!

Gyata vs. the Competition








30+ sources



Tailored to your needs


AI Engine Options

OpenAI, Amazon Bedrock, Azure

Limited Options

Ongoing Support &

24/7, Regular









30+ sources



Tailored to your needs


AI Engine Options

Ongoing Support & Updates

OpenAI, Amazon Bedrock, Azure

Limited Options

24/7, Regular



What is GyataGPT?2024-02-21T05:38:14+00:00

GyataGPT is a self-hosted, cloud-native platform that empowers you to build and deploy AI-powered applications like chatbots, virtual assistants, and intelligent solutions. It’s like your personal AI choreographer, helping you create conversations that dance with data and engage your audience.

Is my data safe with GyataGPT?2024-02-21T13:39:06+00:00

Absolutely! GyataGPT runs on your own AWS or Azure cloud, meaning your data never leaves your secure environment. We prioritize data privacy and compliance, so you can groove with confidence.

Can I use any AI engine with GyataGPT?2024-02-21T13:39:03+00:00

Yes! You have the freedom to choose your AI partner! OpenAI, Amazon Bedrock, Azure OpenAI Service – pick the engine that best suits your conversational style and project needs. It’s like having a team of AI rockstars at your fingertips.

Is GyataGPT easy to use?2024-02-21T13:38:59+00:00

Even if you’re not a tech wizard, GyataGPT is your friend! With a drag-and-drop interface and intuitive tools, building AI applications is a breeze. Think of it as creating personalized playlists for your users, but with code instead of tunes.

What are the benefits of using GyataGPT?2024-02-21T13:38:55+00:00
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Keep your audience happy with AI-powered chatbots that resolve issues with a dash of charm.
  • Boosted employee productivity: Automate repetitive tasks and free up your team to focus on what they do best.
  • Reduced costs: Streamline processes and save resources by letting AI handle the heavy lifting.
  • Scalability & flexibility: Adapt your AI solutions to your needs as you grow, without breaking the bank.
  • 24/7 support: We’re your AI pit crew, always on call to keep your dance party running smoothly.

Ready to join the GyataGPT revolution? Contact Us today and see how AI can transform your conversations!

Gyata cta chatbot icon
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